Dynatrace Perform 2020

SGG was thrilled to attend Dynatrace’s Perform 2020 Convention in Las Vegas! From deep Kubernetes monitoring, to full heap & thread analysis, to the Autonomous Cloud (aka Scaling NoOps via Self-Service), Dynatrace has yet again shown the SGG Team what enables their global efforts to be a leader in delivering better software for our clients.
SGG is always looking for ways to help our clients simplify building out infrastructure. At Perform 2020, we were excited to learn about the Autonomous Cloud enablement on a larger scale, as it helps provide a better user experience. The tools focus around Dynatrace’s Software Intelligence platform, which illustrates many core capabilities (DevOps to increase speed, NoOps to ensure stability, and scaling to empower self service) that will help SGG’s partners.
We were also pleased to learn about the continuous development of the Dynatrace Davis Assistant. Included out-of-the-box with Dynatrace, Davis has been able to help with problem resolution, daily reports, analytics, and of course- user experience. For the past 5 years, SGG has used Slack as a means of communication and collaboration. Not only is Davis compatible with Slack, but it’s also Alexa, Microsoft Teams, and Google Assistant compatible! We were impressed with Davis’ time saving capabilities- instead of searching for the answer to a problem, SGG is able to communicate with an integrated device to ask questions like, “Davis, are there any problems right now?” Or, instead of asking, we are able to receive alerts that provide actionable insight into the health of our system.
Thanks to AI integration with IT operations, Davis’ auto-remediation and intelligent orchestra have delivered breakthrough technology providing answers to operational-challenges in the cloud. These tools are constantly providing SGG with proper competence that help enable performance optimization and self-ameliorating before our customers even detect an issue.